When I was watching one of Beppers videos, she went to the Mira statue. The thing was, more and more people were going up there, even though they didn't even see Bepper. "Well, they may have got their buddies!" Well, if that is the case, I thought jammers were greedy. Right? "Not all jammers, some don't scam," I am not talking about scamming, my flowers. I am talking about AUTOGRAPHS OR "AUTOS".
"Well, big deal. Who wants an autograph when you can stupidly beg for a buddy request over and over again?"
Well you see, people lose their minds around a "famous" jammer and don't think about the juicy side of the peach. We aren't even talking about buddy requests, but that will be a future topic.
Thank you for mentioning it.
You see, this one girl was crowding Bepper in an utterly annoying way.
"CAN I HAS AUTO BPPR PLZ??!?!?" she screamed out.
If you want an "auto", 1. Don't beg for it, 2. Don't even try to ask, 3. Go to grammar school.
And I do NOT WANT TO OFFEND people who have bad grammar or use it for fun.
I see it is a bad habit, what I am trying to say is if you are around a famous jammer, don't be obnoxious.
Thanks for reading about today's topic!
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