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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A New (and very scary) Hack!

I read Nafaria9s post about this new hack. It's where random strangers ask to chat on Skype (sky, how people would say it to not get ban), someone chats on skype with them, they click a link, thus downloading a virus on their computer, ask to share screens, they share screens, and the hacker somehow captures all their personal information. They pop up most likely in famous jammers dens (since there is lots of people, and probably the famous jammer itself).My opinion on this would be that who really falls for that stuff? 6 year olds. Do 6 year olds have skype accounts? Probably NOT. So... just really dumb people fall for it. Here is Sina's video on it.

Really, I think you should NOT fall for any of that stuff. It's just a crazy 30 year old pretending to be 9 asking for personal information. Really, people? Just... really? I like it that you are hopelessly trying to buy a ticket that has "jail" written all over it. It's so cute.. but sad.

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