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Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Mean Buddy! (Not my Buddy Anymore, at Least)

So, I was making a carnival.
I asked my friend, fcreager7, to help me out with it. I knew she saves up LOADS of gems, so I was hoping she could buy me a few dance floors or something. I jamagramed her "Come to my den." She replied, "Why?". I said "To help me with my carnival". She said "For what?" I replied "To help me make it, possibly you could work at the restaurant". She replied, "No I'm not coming." Before I saw that jamagram, I said "I hope rare people will come there so you get paid, you are a great buddy." Then, I finally saw the jamagram that said "No. I said NO." Then, she gave me another jamagram. "You aren't my buddy anymore, so BYE." I checked if she was just joking, she wasn't. She really was a great buddy, I saw her username everyday. She helped me out along the way. The way she acted today, I just, don't even want to remember her username. I finally know that's how she treats her buddies, even if they didn't do anything. I want to say goodbye to her, and if she tries to buddy me, I will decline. If you read to the end, good job. Be sure to report her, I don't want to sound mean when I say that. It's just, my heart just broke today. Goodbye.

UPDATE: She posted this on my jammer wall.

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