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Saturday, August 6, 2016

Why do I Delete Posts with Negative Comments?

Well, it's because since people say "I don't understand" or "This makes no sense" I just delete the post, even if it has some helpful tips or carries a positive message. I just don't want viewers to just think "Oh, since other people comment bad things I will too to fit in." NO. This will not happen! And, I am deleting the poll "what is my personality?" Because people vote some mean stuff there. If you voted "dumb and immature," you should at least comment you think I am not smart-smart, but not dumb-dumb either. If you really said that to my face, you would probably be banned from this blog. Just saying. I also put "comments that are made by anonymous users should have their AJ username or their username". Why? Stupid 40 year old men.

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