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Monday, June 29, 2020

A New Friend on Animal Jam

   Today on Animal Jam, I got a new friend. Here's how it went.

   It all started when I was ranting publicly about how headdresses are so rare but I see someone with one every day. I said, "lol im so poor" and this beautiful, kind snow leopard came to my den and said I wasn't.

   It was this dear soul, littleluckycharms.


   I gifted her a spare short spike to give thanks. We need more people in this world like her.

   I'm assuming her friend came and told us to visit her shop. So I did, and I bought a Mira necklace for 1 diamond. What a dealio!

Me and littleluckycharms patiently shopping.

My gorgeous new possession.

   After all this buying, I was pretty tired. So anyways, stay safe and wash your hands!

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