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Monday, June 29, 2020

Having Some FuN in JaMaA

   A while back, I was an Animal Jam blogger. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a kids game that involves animals. Enough said. I quit a long time ago, but for my first blog post, I decided to revisit my old days.

   Upon logging in, Animal Jam has informed me that everyone receives a free 2 week membership if you put in a code. So I did that. Expect some wholesome Animal Jam related posts for a couple of weeks. 🙂

   They're probably doing this because of the coronavirus... which is understandable. However, I also believe that since AJ has been decreasing in popularity, they're quite desperate to get some more players. It's not desolate and lonely yet, but there's definitely not as many "Jammers" as there was back in the day.
   Since I was a nonmember for quite a while, I had to re-outfit my character to what she used to look like.

She's still adorable! I'm going to buy a spring den because I can and it's spring.

   Look at how beautiful it is! It's so much better than the original small house. I added a little fountain to the flower bed.

   Even the icon for it is cute. This den is even available for nonmembers! I think it's an improvement. For example, here is the same portion of the original small house den vs. the spring small house den.

   Here is the original. Very boring, plain. 3/10.

   Here is the spring version. Much improvement, colorful. 12/10. No decorations needed.

   Anyway, I have to get going. I'll post something better tomorrow when I can but right now I have stuff to do. Don't get sick and wash your hands!

Dry, Deflated Cupcakes

   Today, I will be playing Papa's Cupcakeria on Coolmath Games. Does anyone remember those games? Click here for the link.

   This is Sandra. She's kind of... slow, but we don't talk about that. Making cupcakes is the only job she can get, and we won't judge Sandra for that. (Coolmath won't let me change her name, is that an insult to me? ;-;)

   Once upon a time, Sandra was an unemployed loser. One fateful day, she just so happened to crash into her future boss's car. Remember, she wasn't the brightest woman. Anyway, her future boss just decided to hire her.

"Oh my mozzarella!"

- "Whatever will we do, boss?"
- "Mamma mia, I will force you into making cupcakes!"
- "What has my life come to?"

(appears depressed)

   Oh, look!
   Our first customer!

   Let's see what he wants to eat!

   Is it actually a thing to have cherries on cupcakes? I know it is for ice cream, but I've personally never had a cherry on a cupcake. I don't think it would even taste very good, in my opinion. Well, it doesn't matter. I should probably stop stalling and make this dude's cupcakes.

   I filled one of the cupcakes a little too low... it's harder than it looks :(

   Oh, wow. The second cupcake is deformed. Even the frosting deflated like a balloon. When you try to bite into it, you'll bite the wrapper. Bone apple tea 😜 He'll love it.

Newsflash: He did not like it.

   I have another customer! Let's try to please her with my deflated cupcakes!

   This time, we have vanilla cupcakes. I like my cupcakes vanilla and my cake chocolate. My ice cream could go either way. Chocolate anything is always much moister than vanilla. Vanilla ice cream is always hard and frozen and vanilla cupcakes are dry. Let's give her my dry AND deflated cupcakes!

   I filled them both perfectly but overcooked them. So I guess I lived up to them being dry?

   Jeez, this woman wants three cherries on each cupcake. Now that's just overkill. If this was real life, the cherries wouldn't even fit on the cupcake! Sheesh, I hope she likes them.

   I finally got to take a picture of her reaction! Wait, one star? I guess I spent too long blogging before taking her order. Well, Sandra's not the brightest person, I suppose.

Apology time!
I apologize to anyone named Sandra, you are probably really smart.
I  also apologize if you like cherries on your cupcakes. Just kidding.

   I hope you stay safe and wash your hands. My customers probably have coronavirus, so time to go to the hospital. Remember to eat cupcakes and have a nice day!

April Fool's Trolling on Roblox

   My April Fool's has been really boring. Nothing happened at all. Let's see if I die in my sleep.

   If you want to troll one of those bakeries on Roblox, I have a really fun prank idea that I've done before.

   First, order anything. It doesn't matter what. Then, leave the sight of the workers and come back to a different worker. Order the same thing, then pull out the original thing you ordered, saying something like "Wow thanks, that was fast!"

   It's hilarious to watch their reaction, or at least know that you baffled them. I've done this before and it's my go-to troll :)

   Anyways, stay safe and wash your hands!

A New Friend on Animal Jam

   Today on Animal Jam, I got a new friend. Here's how it went.

   It all started when I was ranting publicly about how headdresses are so rare but I see someone with one every day. I said, "lol im so poor" and this beautiful, kind snow leopard came to my den and said I wasn't.

   It was this dear soul, littleluckycharms.


   I gifted her a spare short spike to give thanks. We need more people in this world like her.

   I'm assuming her friend came and told us to visit her shop. So I did, and I bought a Mira necklace for 1 diamond. What a dealio!

Me and littleluckycharms patiently shopping.

My gorgeous new possession.

   After all this buying, I was pretty tired. So anyways, stay safe and wash your hands!

Hoarding Helpless Creatures (online though...)

   I'm not an animal abuser, I swear, Mom!

   I recently discovered this website called Chicken Smoothie where you adopt virtual pets, basically. I've been so obsessed with collecting virtual pets on there.

   The main point of the website is simple, just adopt virtual pets. You don't even have to feed them or anything, unlike other adoptable websites.

   However, it's really complicated. There's like a whole Chicken Smoothie culture is DEEP. When you post on a forum, it comes with your personal signature that you can code and stuff and there are forms where you can pay for someone to code it for you.

   There's also a whole free art program on there and art forms where you can sell and post art! People create art shops and coding shops and adoption centers! It's really confusing to a new player, lol.

   Not to mention, you can roleplay on Chicken Smoothie with your OC's and it's really intricate and probably hard to understand for a lot of new players.

   There are rules for everything on there. Users can even create their own rules for trading and their own adoption centers, art shops, etc. It's a website for all ages though, so there's no...

   special people... that take roleplaying too far...

   I'm actually interested in roleplaying, but I have no good OC's. I try but they're never as good as other peoples! It's really common to compare yourself to others and think that you're worse than you really are, but it's really de-motivating.

   This is my favorite pet of mine!

   Stay safe and wash your hands, guys!

Farming and Chocobo Adoption on Minecraft

   Hello, world! I'm really tired, but here to bring you a wholesome blog post about Minecraft! <3

   My world is called Spring Hill Village and I'm playing with mods. I'm working to fill my village with plenty of buildings and villagers. Here is the town center, which I built from this tutorial on Youtube here.

   This is the outside of my barn/farmhouse. How lovely! I built and designed it myself. 

   The inside has stalls for animals to reside in. Now, I'm going to go out and look for animals to house inside of them!

   Aww look, a Chocobo! These are from one of my mods, Chococraft 3. They're absolutely adorable. The horse on the right is the horse I use for riding around and exploring. I should probably name it sometime soon.

   It was snowing, so I decided to take a picture of me and my Chocobo. It's the middle of winter in Minecraft (I have the Serene Seasons mod).

   Now it's in the stall! That was kind of hard. It's really huge, lol. I decided to go out and scavenge for crops to plant on my farm.

   While I was scavenging, I found a little rooster! He's adorable, but he needs water.

   I'll take him back to my barn.

   Now, he has a little spot next to my Chocobo. At first, I gave him a cauldron of water, but I found out he couldn't drink from it. He can drink straight from a water bucket you're holding or from open water sources like lakes. I dug a little hole in the ground and gave him some water in that.

   Here, I'm riding back on my trusty steed!

   Ah, home sweet home. I'm back at my farm, so time to plant!

   I planted the seeds and labeled them with signs.

   Then, I gave my rooster some seeds. I decided that my adventure was done for the day, so enjoy some beautiful pics of a winter night on the farm :)

   Anyway, stay safe and wash your hands!

Blog Update

   This blog will be renamed Little Treasured Things Gaming because I wanted to keep my main blog for stuff like lifestyle and self-care! I will move all my posts about gaming from LTT over here. I'll also keep all my old posts from this blog, so don't worry. 😊

Commenting Rules

Please note that all comments are moderated before approval.
- Don't post using your school/personal account if I know you IRL. Just don't.
- No swearing.
- Don't comment negative things towards me, yourself, or other people.
- Don't say anything vulgar or distasteful.
- Keep comments on topic.
- Don't spam.