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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Feeling cute, might eat a rat later, idk~

   Hiya! As you (one of my nonexistent viewers) might have noticed, my name went from Brightlight to Summer! Along with many of my other online accounts, I completely rebranded. My nickname from now on will be summer and my username will be something along the lines of "summer_paradise" or "summer.pxrxdise".

   Why, you may ask?


   Idk, aesthetic.

   Just kidding. First of all, I have a newfound love for summer, as a previous Fall gal. Summer also doubles as an actual name and a cute username. Along with my first reason, summer (and summer_paradise) is actually a pretty aesthetic username. I guess I'd make a better online presence with a likeable username.

   Anyway, I'm done rambling about my new username- do you like snakes? I really want a Mexican black kingsnake. They're pretty popular and would be a good starting pet.

   I'm listening to the music player on my blog (it only works for PC if you're wondering) and I can barely handle listening to To Binge by Gorillaz. It's a good song, but it makes me depressed and kinda triggers me. Big oof.

   OH! I also changed the theme of the blog. I found a picture of blue tiles on google images, turned it yellow, added some sunflowers and leaves, and boom! I think it's pretty summery. Can't wait for a quarantine-free summer! c:

   Anyway, I'll post something tomorrow when I can think of something. For now, look up Snake Discovery on YouTube! I love her so much.

   Signing off,

   P.S. Yes I have a new signature, I made it in Photoshop and Glitterboo (font is Bratsy Script), yes I have a new profile, I drew it in Photoshop. It's a bird of paradise flower!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What makes an INFJ?

   If you are an MBTI nerd like me, you probably have already looked into or thought about how your family's personality has passed on to yours. I decided to make a post about it! c:

   So, get ready, folks, because this is a whole study based on my mom's and dad's personalities and how they influenced mine.

   Mom: INFP - Introverted, intuitive, feeling, perceiving

   Dad: ISFJ - Introverted, sensing, feeling, judging

   Me: INFJ - Introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging

   I inherit my father's nature to judge. I have already been told I am judgemental in the past and I now take it as a compliment. Hehe, I sound self-centered.

   Anyhoo, the judging trait is not only judgemental, but the trait is less spontaneous than the perceiving trait that my mom has. My mother has always told me to go with the flow and I finally understand why, as I am now an MBTI nerd. The judgemental trait is more organized and neat than the perceiving trait, not in a "clean room" way, but more like a "clean life" way.

   I also inherited my mom's intuitive-ness. People with the intuitive trait often are a little more imaginative than the sensing trait and they rely on patterns and find the hidden meanings behind things, while people with the sensing trait rely on what is immediately brought to their attention. While I took the MBTI test, there was a question like "When watching a movie, you take extra effort to find the meaning behind the movie." (you have to answer from a strong agree to a strong disagree, it's on a scale) and I now realize that it has to do with the intuitive trait.

   On a less serious note, I relate to INFP memes (an example shown below) about feeling sensitive when someone starts acting a little differently around you. You know when your friend doesn't say hi in the same tone that they do every day and you know something's wrong? Well, there's that. Sorry for being a burden on your sweet precious time because I talk way too much and umm, please take the test because I wanna have some MBTI nerd friends to geek out with!!

   Also, if you look up MBTI memes/relatable posts or whatnot, most of them sound really egotistical and I apologize :c

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