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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Comparing 3 Animated Text Makers

   On the quest to find the perfect gif to use as my signature at the end of my posts, I will be doing a comparison between multiple animated text generators. I will be grading these over user-friendliness, customizing options, and the final result.

   Our first contestant will be textanim.com. It's very simple looking and gets the point across.

   As you can see, it has a few options and many different colors. Options include text input (obviously), font, font size, background color (optional), direction of the pattern movement, letter shadows (optional), movement delay (I don't know what that might be? Speed?) and pattern.

   I chose this cute hacker/coding/computer pattern. I noticed that if you choose a plain black background, the background becomes the pattern and the text is black. If you do anything but plain black, the text becomes the pattern, which I thought was odd. I did both ways, with the second background being a very dark gray, and here was the result.

User-friendliness: 4/5
   The website was nice and simple, but the background glitch was confusing.
Customizing options: 3/5
   There were lots of patterns, but I feel like different gifs from this website wouldn't appear unique from one another.
Final Result: 5/5
   Alone, the final result (or results) looks really cute.
Total score: 12/15

   At the bottom of the website, you can see its partner is glowtxt.com, so we'll check that out next!

   Our next contestant is glowtxt.com. The website is eye-catching and fun!

Top portion

    Here is the top portion of the website, where you customize most of your gif. To pick a preset (which is optional), scroll down and click one of the options. It will then appear above where it says "Your text here."

The presets

   Customizing options include text inputs (max 3 allowed), text size, presets, option for a solid background or a transparent background, comment borders (puts a border around the image), glow intensity, animation options, text colors, font, and make comment (centers all lettering and makes it smaller). Overall, I think these options are pretty neat.

   I chose the preset "neonlights", chose the 5th color option, and made it a medium size with a super glow intensity and a pulse animation. Here's the result!

User-friendliness: 5/5
   Nothing about the website was particularly hard to understand.
Customizing options: 4/5
   Each font comes with a different set of colors/patterns. So, if you like a particular pattern, it might not be available for every font.
Final Result: 4/5
   I wasn't expecting there to be a little black border around the gif.
Total score: 13/15

   When you scroll down, next to the presets you see other animated text makers by that developer. There's textcraft.net (a video game text maker) and pookatoo.com (a spoopy Halloween text maker), but we'll be checking out glitterboo.com!

   Glitterboo doesn't create glittery text, but it "glitterfies" photos. I'll be creating the text in photoshop and I'll use that as my input photo.

   Once you start, this is what the website looks like. It's pretty! If you're not signed in, you're only allowed 2 different options: sparkles and stars. I'll do sparkles.

   This is the interface. You can select the area you want to be glitterfied. There's a lot of customizing options, so I'm not going to go over them. It's also slightly confusing. Anyway, here's the final result!

   I used light colors in my picture and no background, so it's cut off weirdly and it's hard to see the sparkles (that's my fault, so I won't deduct that). Besides the mistakes on my part, it looks pretty good!

User-friendliness: 3/5
   The interface was confusing and had too much going on. You had to create an account to use lots of features.
Customizing options: 4/5
   They were not lacking, however, I feel like there was too much to customize.
Final Result: 5/5
   Besides my mistakes, this website does a good job on the final result.
Total score: 12/15

   Overall, glowtxt.com wins! These are all the top 3 animated text makers I could find. I will now use a Glowtxt gif as my signature and blog banner!

   Anyways, stay safe and wash your hands. Be sure to have a good day!

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